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Prices Featured Condos by Location (Data subject to change without notice)
$ 100,000
to $ 199,999
Waterfront Toronto North York Scarborough Etobicoke Thornhill
$ 200,000
to $ 299,999
Waterfront Toronto North York Scarborough Etobicoke Thornhill
$ 300,000
to $ 399,999
Waterfront Toronto North York Scarborough Etobicoke Thornhill
$ 400,000
to $ 499,999
Waterfront Toronto North York Scarborough Etobicoke Thornhill
$ 500,000
and up
Waterfront Toronto North York Scarborough Etobicoke Thornhill
Waterfront Toronto North York Scarborough Etobicoke Thornhill

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This website is for clients of Mr. Wilson Li * Phone 416-377-6011
Sales Rep.* Royal LePage Signature Realty 
49 The Donway W, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 416-443-8619
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Not intended to solicit other agents' clients or listings. Data subject to change without notice. E&OE.
For more info: Phone Mr. Wilson Li * 416-377-6011 Toronto Canada
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